Monday, January 25, 2021


2024-09-09 11:44:34 -06:00

False, or misleading, or misrepresentation of a product Is illegal. Were they ever held accountable for their lies in court? I appreciate you bringing this forward and to the public. Please follow-up and let us know what happened to them, legally.
To me, the question isn’t whether they should, or shouldn’t, have admitted to their lies. or should they get a slap on the back for now telling the truth. My questions are, why wasn’t this a huge public blow up, and most importantly, why were not slapped with a huge lawsuit and penalty?

2023-08-07 08:18:12 -06:00

Human beings make mistakes all the time. It's what we choose to do with them that is most important. Good for Tim Hortons for their honesty in their disclosure about the Dark Roast Coffee.