Monday, September 14, 2020


2020-09-14 17:24:53 -06:00

Thank you for highlighting the work of Support our Students. Prior to COVID, I had never heard of SOS and the remarkable work they do. As a parent, I value their tireless work and commitment on behalf of our kids and applaud this most recent endeavour - tracking cases in schools in a timely manner. Like you, I much prefer this to what the government has come up with.

2020-09-14 12:31:37 -06:00

What the government did with this is to create a slippery slope. They seemed to want to hide public information from the public. The public decided to make this information public. So now we don't trust government to tell the truth about this or other things. It's a slippery slope, and they're slip-sliding away. That's what happens when government doesn't listen to the people.

2020-09-14 11:00:48 -06:00

What I loved was when Dr Hinshaw was asked about why the updates are put in the AHS site at 3:30 instead of throughout the day she explained that the code and algorithms are difficult and the employees entering the data need almost all day.
Interesting that SOS can get the info up in less than 5 minutes

2020-09-14 11:29:06 -06:00

Yes. Interesting. I will say though the AHS site does contain a great deal of information and I am sure there are rules that have to be followed. When you look at the SOS Alberta website, all the information is there, right up front, and you don't have to search for anything.
